Coach lease +370 698 40881
I-IV 07.00-15.45, V 07.00-14.30

About us

Your comfort is our business. The main activity of JSC “Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija” (TOKS) is safe and convenient transportation of passengers by international, interurban and suburban routes.
TOKS provides the highest quality passenger services: when traveling with us, you will feel comfortable, because on our long-distance routes we only use the most up-to-date and comfortable buses that meet the most stringent European standards of safety, comfort and ecology. In addition, you will never be late, our bus schedule works with Swiss precision! TOKS travel prices – competitive low. Moreover, we apply various benefits and discounts to different groups of passengers: we bring students, children, pensioners and people with disabilities cheaper. And, of course, every passenger traveling on our buses is insured.

At present JSC “Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija”:

JSC “Tolimojo keleivinio transporto kompanija”, besides passenger transport, is engaged in other activities:

The company is a member of the European network of passenger carriers Eurolines, the Lithuanian Passenger Transport Association “LKVA” and the Association of European Bus Stations.